
Minnesota cat survives hour-long wash machine cycle

Minnesota cat survives hour-long wash machine cycle

    Stefani Carroll-Kirchoff of Maplewood, New Jersey, generally checks his washer to make sure none of his three kittens are inside before using it, but unfortunately on June 19 of this year he did not have this precaution and Felix, one year old He remained trapped there during the rapid wash cycle.

    After forty-five minutes that the cycle took, the woman upon returning could notice that the clothes were not completely dry and before closing the door again, she saw Felix's white leg sticking out between the clothes, according to Kare11.

    Jack survives a 45-minute wash cycle

    Felix white kitten with black
    Stefani said:

    “I have never seen them enter the washer or dryer, but I had heard that this was happening. Therefore, I always verify. I heard a small meow, and suddenly I saw a small white foot that rose in the air. I can't explain how that was. ”

    Kitten receives care
    Source: Kare11
    She quickly took him out of there and contacted his father Heinz Latzel to take him immediately to the Animal Emergency and Referral Center, a critical-care animal hospital in Minnesota.

    Felix could not see, he had pneumonia due to the amount of water in his lungs, but thanks to the care he has received, he managed to recover his sight and is starting to eat, although he needs to be given oxygen, veterinarians say he can recover completely, it's just a matter of time.

    Kitten and flowers
    Stefani finds himself feeling a great fault for what happened. She said:

    “I have been in shock the last few days. I mean, this is going to haunt me for the rest of my life. ”

    On the other hand, the treatment for Felix has been quite expensive so Asha Carroll McCullough, the woman's daughter, decided to create a campaign in GoFundMe to help cover those expenses that Stefani says amount to more than $ 7,000.

    Cat in oxygen chamber
    Asha defines her mother as an animal lover and said she heard really bad when she called to let him know what happened to Felix, according to FOX News.

    Asha said:

    "I was crying so hard I couldn't understand what he was saying and said Felix went through the washing machine."

    Kitten and dog
    IG: sproutthedachshund
    Stefani is a volunteer in a wildlife rehabilitation center in her spare time and obviously what happened is for her one more reason to fight for the welfare of the animals.
    @Posted by
    writer and blogger, founder of love cats and kittens .

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